Set Up User Feedback

Learn more about collecting user feedback when an event occurs. Sentry pairs the feedback with the original event, giving you additional insight into issues.

When a user experiences an error, Sentry provides the ability to collect additional feedback. You can collect feedback according to the method supported by the SDK.

The user feedback API allows you to collect user feedback while utilizing your own UI. Sentry pairs the feedback with the original event, giving you additional insight into issues. Sentry needs the associatedEventId to be able to associate the user feedback to the corresponding event. There are several ways to get the associatedEventId:

  • use beforeSend
  • use the return value of any method capturing an event.
  • use Sentry.lastEventId to get the ID of the last event sent.
// Option 1: Retrieving SentryId from beforeSend
SentryId sentryId = SentryId.empty();

await Sentry.init((options) {
  options.beforeSend = (event, hint) {
    sentryId = event.eventId;
    return event;

// Option 2: Retrieving SentryId from the method capturing the event
SentryId sentryId = Sentry.captureMessage("My message");

// Option 3: Retrieving SentryId from the beforeSend callback
SentryId sentryId = Sentry.lastEventId;

final feedback = SentryFeedback(
    message: 'Hello World!',
    contactEmail: '',
    name: 'John Doe',
    associatedEventId: sentryId,


Use the SentryFeedbackWidget to let users send feedback data to Sentry.

The widget requests and collects the user's name, email address, and a description of what occurred. When an event identifier is provided, Sentry pairs the feedback with the original event, giving you additional insights into issues. Additionally, you can provide a screenshot that will be sent to Sentry. Learn more about how to enable screenshots in our Screenshots documentation.

The image below provides an example of the widget, though yours may differ depending on your customization:


One possible use for the SentryFeedbackWidget is to listen for specific Sentry events in the beforeSend callback and show the widget to users.

// The example uses the `NavigatorState` to present the widget. Adapt as needed to your navigation stack.
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();


await SentryFlutter.init((options) {
  options.beforeSend = (event, hint) async {
    // Filter here what kind of events you want users to give you feedback.
    final screenshot = await SentryFlutter.captureScreenshot();

    final context = navigatorKey.currentContext;
    if (context == null) return;
    if (context.mounted) {
          builder: (context) => SentryFeedbackWidget(
            associatedEventId: event.eventId,
            screenshot: screenshot,
          fullscreenDialog: true,
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